Monday, May 20, 2013
The Apache Software Foundation
Forest Hill, MD –-14 January 2013-– The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of about 150 Open Source projects and initiatives, today appear that Apache Flex has accelerating from the Apache Incubator to become a Top-Level Activity (TLP), blame that the Projects association and articles accept been well-governed beneath the ASFs meritocratic action and principles.
"Being a TLP demonstrates Apache Flexs charge to The Apache Way and the projects adeptness to self-govern, and be a allotment of the broader ASF community,” said Alex Harui, Vice President of Apache Flex.
Formerly Adobe Flex, the activity originated at Macromedia above-mentioned to its accretion by Adobe Systems Inc. (ADBE), and was submitted to the Apache Incubator in 2011.
Flex is an Open Source software development kit (SDK) for the architecture and deploying cross-platform affluent Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform. The Flex framework allows alive Web applications to arrange consistently on all above browsers, desktops and accessories (including smartphones, tablets and TV). In addition, Apache Flex provides a modern, standards-based accent and programming archetypal that supports accepted architecture patterns acceptable for developers from abounding backgrounds. Flex applications can be deployed to the all-over AdobeВ® FlashВ® Player in the browser, AdobeВ® AIRв„ў on desktop and adaptable or to built-in Androidв„ў, iOSв„ў, QNXВ®, WindowsВ® or MacВ® applications.
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